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Nəzərə çarpan dəyişiklik yoxdur.
Sətir 1: Sətir 1:  +
local u = {}
local z = {
local z = {
Sətir 113: Sətir 114:  
' (',
' (',
make_wikilink (
make_wikilink (
table.concat (
table.concat (
cfg.messages['help page link'],
error_state.anchor_page or cfg.messages['help page link'], -- для рувики: часть документации на русском, часть - на английском
cfg.messages['help page label']),
error_state.anchor_label or cfg.messages['help page label']), -- для рувики: часть документации на русском, часть - на английском
-- message = table.concat ({message, ' (', substitute (cfg.presentation['wikilink'],
-- {cfg.messages['help page link'] .. '#' .. error_state.anchor, cfg.messages['help page label']}), ')'});
-- message = message .. " ([[" .. cfg.messages['help page link'] ..
-- "#" .. error_state.anchor .. "|" ..
-- cfg.messages['help page label'] .. "]])";
z.error_ids[ error_id ] = true;
z.error_ids[ error_id ] = true;
if in_array( error_id, { 'bare_url_missing_title', 'trans_missing_title' } )
if in_array( error_id, { 'bare_url_missing_title', 'trans_missing_title' } )
Sətir 334: Sətir 342:  
local wl_type = 2; -- assume that str is a complex wikilink [[L|D]]
local wl_type = 2; -- assume that str is a complex wikilink [[L|D]]
L, D = str:match ('^%[%[([^|]+)|([^%]]+)%]%]$'); -- get L and D from [[L|D]]  
L, D = str:match ('%[%[([^|]+)|([^%]]+)%]%]'); -- get L and D from [[L|D]]  
if not is_set (D) then -- if no separate link
if not is_set (D) then -- if no separate link
D = str:match ('^%[%[([^%]]*)|*%]%]$'); -- get D from [[D]]
D = str:match ('%[%[([^%]]*)|*%]%]'); -- get D from [[D]]
wl_type = 1;  
wl_type = 1;  
Sətir 350: Sətir 358:  
return wl_type, D, L or '';
return wl_type, D, L or '';
--[[--------------------------< S T R I P _ A P O S T R O P H E _ M A R K U P >--------------------------------
Strip wiki italic and bold markup from argument so that it doesn't contaminate COinS metadata.
This function strips common patterns of apostrophe markup.  We presume that editors who have taken the time to
markup a title have, as a result, provided valid markup. When they don't, some single apostrophes are left behind.
Returns the argument without wiki markup and a number; the number is more-or-less meaningless except as a flag
to indicate that markup was replaced; do not rely on it as an indicator of how many of any kind of markup was
removed; returns the argument and nil when no markup removed
local function strip_apostrophe_markup (argument)
if not is_set (argument) then
return argument, nil; -- no argument, nothing to do
if nil == argument:find ( "''", 1, true ) then -- Is there at least one double apostrophe?  If not, exit.
return argument, nil;
local flag;
while true do
if argument:find ( "'''''", 1, true ) then -- bold italic (5)
argument, flag=argument:gsub("%'%'%'%'%'", ""); -- remove all instances of it
elseif argument:find ( "''''", 1, true ) then -- italic start and end without content (4)
argument, flag=argument:gsub("%'%'%'%'", "");
elseif argument:find ( "'''", 1, true ) then -- bold (3)
argument, flag=argument:gsub("%'%'%'", "");
elseif argument:find ( "''", 1, true ) then -- italic (2)
argument, flag=argument:gsub("%'%'", "");
return argument, flag; -- done
   Sətir 405: Sətir 373:       −
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T S >----------------------------------------------------------------
return {
return { -- return exported functions and tables
is_set = is_set, -- exported functions
is_set = is_set,
in_array = in_array,
in_array = in_array,
substitute = substitute,
substitute = substitute,
Sətir 422: Sətir 388:  
make_wikilink = make_wikilink,
make_wikilink = make_wikilink,
set_selected_modules = set_selected_modules,
set_selected_modules = set_selected_modules,
strip_apostrophe_markup = strip_apostrophe_markup,
z = z,
z = z, -- exported table

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