
24672 dəyişikliyi WikiSysop (Müzakirə) tərəfindən geri qaytarıldı.
Sətir 238: Sətir 238:        +
--[[--------------------------< L I N K _ P A R A M _ O K >---------------------------------------------------
checks the content of |title-link=, |series-link=, |author-link= etc for properly formatted content: no wikilinks, no urls
Link parameters are to hold the title of a wikipedia article so none of the WP:TITLESPECIALCHARACTERS are allowed:
# < > [ ] | { } _
except the underscore which is used as a space in wiki urls and # which is used for section links
returns false when the value contains any of these characters.
When there are no illegal characters, this function returns TRUE if value DOES NOT appear to be a valid url (the
|<param>-link= parameter is ok); else false when value appears to be a valid url (the |<param>-link= parameter is NOT ok).
local function link_param_ok (value)
local scheme, domain;
if value:find ('[<>%[%]|{}]') then -- if any prohibited characters
return false;
scheme, domain = split_url (value); -- get scheme or nil and domain or nil from url;
return not is_url (scheme, domain); -- return true if value DOES NOT appear to be a valid url
--[[--------------------------< L I N K _ T I T L E _ O K >---------------------------------------------------
Use link_param_ok() to validate |<param>-link= value and its matching |<title>= value.
|<title>= may be wikilinked but not when |<param>-link= has a value.  This function emits an error message when
that condition exists
local function link_title_ok (link, lorig, title, torig)
local orig;
if is_set (link) then -- don't bother if <param>-link doesn't have a value
if not link_param_ok (link) then -- check |<param>-link= markup
orig = lorig; -- identify the failing link parameter
elseif title:find ('%[%[') then -- check |title= for wikilink markup
orig = torig; -- identify the failing |title= parameter
if is_set (orig) then
table.insert( z.message_tail, { set_error( 'bad_paramlink', orig)}); -- url or wikilink in |title= with |title-link=;