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Nəzərə çarpan dəyişiklik yoxdur.
Sətir 84: Sətir 84:  
This is a clone of mw.text.nowiki.  When the mw.text library is installed,
this can be replaced by a call to that library. ]]
function nowiki( s )
    -- string.gsub is safe here, because we're only caring about ASCII chars
    s = string.gsub( s, '["&\'<=>%[%]{|}]', {
        ['"'] = '&#34;',
        ['&'] = '&#38;',
        ["'"] = '&#39;',
        ['<'] = '&#60;',
        ['='] = '&#61;',
        ['>'] = '&#62;',
        ['['] = '&#91;',
        [']'] = '&#93;',
        ['{'] = '&#123;',
        ['|'] = '&#124;',
        ['}'] = '&#125;',
    } )
    s = string.sub( string.gsub( '\n' .. s, '\n[#*:;]', {
        ["\n#"] = "\n&#35;",
        ["\n*"] = "\n&#42;",
        ["\n:"] = "\n&#58;",
        ["\n;"] = "\n&#59;",
    } ), 2 )
    s = string.gsub( s, '://', '&#58;//' )
    s = string.gsub( s, 'ISBN ', 'ISBN&#32;' )
    s = string.gsub( s, 'RFC ', 'RFC&#32;' )
    return s
function externallinkid(args)
function externallinkid(args)

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