
Nəzərə çarpan dəyişiklik yoxdur.
Sətir 21: Sətir 21:     
/*------------< C O M M O N  P R E S E N T A T I O N >----------------------
/*------------< C O M M O N  P R E S E N T A T I O N >----------------------
<code>...</code> style override: mediawiki's css definition is specified here:
code.cs1-code {
/* preserve font but remove other <code> styling; used in error messages */
color: inherit;
background: inherit;
border: inherit; /* code editor doesn't like inherit with border?
suggests that inherit is ok */
padding: inherit;
/*-----------------< A C C E S S  I C O N  S T Y L E >--------------------*/
.main-box {
.main-box {